100 projects idea for beginner web developers using Python & Django

Here are 100 beginner project ideas to practice your skills as a Python and Django developer:

01. To-Do List Application:
Build a web application that allows users to create, update, and delete tasks in a to-do list. Implement features like task prioritization, due dates, and user authentication.

02. Blogging Platform:
Develop a simple blogging platform where users can create and publish blog posts. Include features like user registration, post categories, comments, and search functionality.

03. Recipe Catalog:
Create a recipe catalog where users can add, browse, and search for recipes. Include features like ingredient lists, preparation instructions, and the ability to save favorite recipes.

04. Weather Application:
Build a weather application that fetches real-time weather data from an API and displays it to the user. Implement features like searching for specific locations and displaying weather forecasts.

05. Online Bookstore:
Develop an online bookstore where users can browse, search and purchase books. Include features like user authentication, shopping cart functionality, and order tracking.

06. URL Shortener:
Create a URL shortener service that takes long URLs and generates shorter, more manageable links. Implement features like link expiration, analytics tracking, and custom URLs.

07. Movie Recommendation System:
Build a movie recommendation system that suggests movies to users based on their preferences. Utilize external APIs or datasets to gather movie information and implement user ratings or reviews.

08. E-commerce Store:
Develop a basic e-commerce store where users can browse products, add items to their cart, and proceed to checkout. Include features like product categorization, user reviews, and payment integration.

09. Social Media Dashboard:
Create a social media dashboard that displays metrics and insights from popular social media platforms. Fetch data using their APIs and present it in a visually appealing way.

10. Event Management System:
Build an event management system where users can create, manage, and RSVP to events. Include features like event registration, ticketing, and notifications.

Remember, these project ideas are meant to be starting points. Feel free to customize and expand on them based on your interests and learning goals. Happy coding!

Read the related article:
How to be web development using Python & Django

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