Category Archives: Career Advice & Tips

Why have to contribute to open source as a programmer?

Contributing to open source as a programmer offers numerous benefits, both to the individual programmer and the broader software development community.

Here are some compelling reasons why programmers should consider contributing to open-source projects:

  1. Skill Development: Open source projects provide an excellent platform to improve your coding skills. You can work on real-world projects, learn from experienced developers, and gain hands-on experience in various programming languages and technologies.
  2. Portfolio Enhancement: Your contributions to open-source projects serve as tangible evidence of your skills and expertise. Including open-source contributions in your portfolio can make you more attractive to potential employers or clients.
  3. Community Engagement: Contributing to open source allows you to become part of a vibrant and collaborative community of developers. You can network with like-minded individuals, seek advice, and establish valuable professional connections.
  4. Giving Back: Open source is built on the principle of collaboration and giving back to the community. Contributing your time and skills to open-source projects is a way to give back and support the software development ecosystem.
  5. Learning Opportunities: Open source projects cover a wide range of topics and technologies. You can choose projects aligned with your interests and continue learning and growing in your chosen field.
  6. Code Review Experience: Submitting code to open-source projects exposes you to code reviews by experienced developers. You’ll receive constructive feedback and learn best practices for writing clean and maintainable code.
  7. Problem-Solving Skills: Open source projects often involve complex problems that require creative solutions. Contributing helps you hone your problem-solving skills and learn to approach challenges systematically.
  8. Resume Boost: Having open-source contributions on your resume demonstrates your commitment to the field and your willingness to collaborate on meaningful projects. It can make you stand out to potential employers.
  9. Exposure to Diverse Technologies: Open-source projects use a variety of tools, libraries, and frameworks. By contributing to different projects, you can gain exposure to a wide range of technologies.
  10. Contribute to Causes: Many open source projects are associated with causes and initiatives you care about, such as accessibility, privacy, education, or environmental sustainability. Contributing allows you to support these causes through your work.
  11. Remote Work Experience: Open source contributions often involve remote collaboration, which is a valuable experience for those interested in remote or distributed work.
  12. Personal Satisfaction: Knowing that your contributions are being used by others and making a positive impact can be personally satisfying and rewarding.
  13. Career Opportunities: Open source contributions can lead to job opportunities, freelance gigs, or consulting work. Employers often value candidates with a track record of open-source contributions.
  14. Contribute to Popular Projects: Contributing to well-known open-source projects can increase your visibility and reputation in the software development community.
  15. Continual Learning: Technology is constantly evolving, and open-source projects reflect these changes. Contributing allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your field.

Overall, contributing to open source as a programmer is a win-win situation. You enhance your skills, connect with a community of developers, and make a positive impact on the software industry. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, there are open-source projects suited to your interests and expertise.

What should You do as a programmer between a remote job and an official job?

The choice between a remote job and an on-site (official) job as a programmer depends on your personal preferences, circumstances, and career goals. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a comparison to help you make an informed decision:

Remote Job:


  1. Flexibility: Remote jobs offer a high degree of flexibility in terms of work hours and location. You have the freedom to work from anywhere with an internet connection.
  2. Work-Life Balance: Remote work can lead to improved work-life balance, as you have more control over your schedule and can avoid commuting.
  3. Cost Savings: You can save money on commuting expenses, work attire, and meals by working from home.
  4. Job Opportunities: Remote work opens up job opportunities with companies located anywhere in the world. You’re not limited to your geographical area.
  5. Reduced Distractions: Some people find they can focus better in a quiet, familiar environment.


  1. Isolation: Remote work can be isolating, especially if you prefer in-person interactions with colleagues. Loneliness can be a challenge for some remote workers.
  2. Communication Challenges: Effective communication with remote teams can be more challenging. You may rely heavily on email, chat, or video calls, which can lead to miscommunication.
  3. Self-Motivation: Remote workers need strong self-discipline and motivation to stay productive. The absence of direct supervision can be a drawback for those who thrive in a structured environment.
  4. Limited Career Advancement: Some remote jobs may have limited opportunities for career advancement or mentorship compared to on-site roles.

On-Site (Official) Job:


  1. In-Person Collaboration: On-site jobs allow for face-to-face collaboration with colleagues and supervisors, which can enhance teamwork and creativity.
  2. Structured Environment: Office environments provide structure and routine, which can be beneficial for those who thrive in such settings.
  3. Mentorship and Networking: In-person work environments often facilitate mentorship and networking opportunities that can help advance your career.
  4. Team Building: On-site jobs provide opportunities for team-building activities and social interactions with coworkers.
  5. Stability: Some individuals value the stability and security of an on-site job, which often includes benefits like health insurance and retirement plans.


  1. Commute: Commuting to and from work can be time-consuming and costly. It may also be stressful for those in areas with heavy traffic.
  2. Less Flexibility: On-site jobs typically offer less flexibility in terms of work hours and location.
  3. Work-Life Balance: Depending on the job, on-site roles may have less flexibility in balancing work and personal life.
  4. Geographical Limitations: Your job options may be limited to companies in your local area.

Ultimately, the choice between a remote job and an on-site job should align with your personal preferences, lifestyle, and career goals. Some programmers thrive in remote roles, while others prefer the structure and social interactions of an on-site job. Consider your own work style, family situation, and what you value most in a job to make the decision that’s right for you. Additionally, keep in mind that the availability of remote opportunities may vary by location and industry.

here’s a comparison of remote jobs and on-site (official) jobs for programmers presented in a table format:

AspectRemote JobOn-Site (Official) Job
FlexibilityHigh flexibility in work hours and location.Less flexibility; typically fixed hours and location.
Work-Life BalanceGenerally better work-life balance.May vary; commuting can impact balance.
Cost SavingsPotential savings on commuting and attire.Commuting costs and work attire expenses.
Job OpportunitiesAccess to job opportunities worldwide.Limited to local job market.
IsolationPotential for isolation and loneliness.In-person interactions with colleagues.
CommunicationRequires strong remote communication skills.Face-to-face communication is standard.
Self-MotivationRequires self-discipline and motivation.Office structure can help with motivation.
Career AdvancementMay have limited advancement opportunities.Opportunities for mentorship and networking.
Team CollaborationTypically relies on digital collaboration tools.In-person collaboration with coworkers.
Mentorship and NetworkingMay require more effort to find mentors and network.Easier access to mentors and networking events.
Stability and BenefitsVaried stability; benefits may differ by employer.Often includes benefits like health insurance and retirement plans.
Team Building ActivitiesMay lack team-building events and social activities.Opportunities for team-building and social interactions.
CommuteNo commute required; time and cost savings.Commute time and expenses may be a concern.
Work EnvironmentChoice of personal work environment.Structured office environment.

Ultimately, the decision between a remote job and an on-site job should be based on your individual preferences, lifestyle, career goals, and the specific opportunities available to you. Some programmers thrive in the remote work environment, while others prefer the structure and in-person interactions of an office. Consider what matters most to you and what aligns with your career aspirations when making your choice.

How can you get a remote job as a programmer?

Getting a remote job as a programmer in a competitive job market requires a strategic approach and a combination of skills and tactics.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you secure a remote programming job:

  1. Update Your Online Presence:
    • Ensure your LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, and personal website (if you have one) are up to date. Highlight your skills, experiences, and any remote work or freelance projects you’ve done.
  2. Skill Enhancement:
    • Continuously improve your programming skills, especially in technologies that are in high demand for remote work, such as web development, mobile app development, cloud computing, and data analysis.
  3. Build a Strong Portfolio:
    • Create a portfolio showcasing your best work. Include detailed descriptions of projects, technologies used, and your role in each project.
  4. Network:
    • Join programming forums, online communities, and social media groups related to your field. Actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and provide valuable insights.
    • Attend virtual meetups, webinars, and conferences to network with professionals in your industry. Make connections with potential employers and colleagues.
  5. Online Learning and Certifications:
    • Pursue relevant online courses and certifications to enhance your skills and demonstrate your commitment to learning.
  6. Freelance or Side Projects:
    • Take on freelance projects or work on side projects to gain practical experience and build a track record of delivering results remotely.
  7. Remote Job Search Platforms:
    • Use specialized job search platforms for remote work, such as, We Work Remotely, FlexJobs, and Stack Overflow Jobs. Create profiles on these platforms and set up job alerts for relevant positions.
  8. General Job Boards:
    • Don’t overlook general job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and SimplyHired. Use keywords like “remote,” “telecommute,” or “work from home” when searching for positions.
  9. Company Websites:
    • Visit the career pages of companies you’re interested in working for. Many companies, including tech giants, offer remote job opportunities.
  10. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter:
    • Customize your resume and cover letter for each job application. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and explain why you’re a good fit for the remote position.
  11. Prepare for Remote Interviews:
    • Be ready for remote job interviews by ensuring you have the necessary software and hardware, a quiet and well-lit space, and a stable internet connection.
    • Practice video interviews with friends or mentors to get comfortable with the format.
  12. Highlight Remote Work Skills:
    • Emphasize skills and qualities that are essential for remote work, such as self-motivation, time management, communication, and the ability to work independently.
  13. Showcase Past Remote Work Experience:
    • If you have prior experience working remotely, be sure to highlight it in your application materials and interviews.
  14. Follow Up:
    • After applying for a position or completing an interview, follow up with a thank-you email expressing your continued interest in the role.
  15. Be Persistent:
    • Finding a remote job can take time. Be persistent in your search, and don’t get discouraged by rejection. Keep applying to positions that align with your skills and goals.
  16. Consider Contract or Freelance Roles:
    • To gain remote work experience, consider contract or freelance roles initially. These positions can lead to full-time remote opportunities.
  17. Negotiate:
    • When you receive a job offer, negotiate your compensation and any other terms, such as work hours and remote work policies.
  18. Open source contribution: Open source contribution refers to the practice of contributing to open source projects by collaborating with a community of developers and making contributions such as code, documentation, bug fixes, or enhancements to a project that is publicly accessible and available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. Open-source contributions are an excellent way for programmers to enhance their skills, build a portfolio, and give back to the community.
  19. Making YouTube Videos as a Programmer:
    Creating YouTube videos as a programmer is an excellent way to share your knowledge, showcase your projects, and engage with a broader tech community.
  20. Create a Blog to share your expertise as a programmer: Creating a blog to share your expertise as a programmer is an excellent way to document your knowledge, help others, and build an online presence.

Remember that remote work is becoming increasingly popular, and more companies are offering remote job opportunities. By showcasing your skills, adapting to the remote work environment, and persistently applying, you can increase your chances of securing a remote programming job even in a competitive job market.

Why fail when it comes to learning programming?

Learning coding can be challenging, and many individuals encounter difficulties or “fail” to progress at various points in their coding journey. However, it’s important to note that facing challenges and making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, and it doesn’t mean you can’t ultimately succeed. Here are some common reasons why individuals may struggle or feel like they are failing when learning to code, along with guidance on how to overcome these challenges:

  1. Lack of Patience: Coding often requires patience and perseverance. It’s common to encounter errors and spend time debugging. Be patient with yourself and understand that learning to code is a gradual process.
  2. Overwhelming Amount of Information: The field of programming is vast, and it can be overwhelming for beginners. Start with a clear learning path, focus on one topic at a time, and gradually build your skills.
  3. Ineffective Learning Resources: Choosing the right learning resources is crucial. Sometimes, ineffective tutorials or courses can hinder your progress. Look for well-structured and beginner-friendly resources.
  4. Lack of Practice: Coding is a skill that improves with practice. Learning theory alone without practical application can lead to frustration. Code regularly and work on real-world projects to reinforce your learning.
  5. Fear of Failure: Many learners fear making mistakes or encountering errors. Remember that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and improve.
  6. Imposter Syndrome: Some learners may doubt their abilities and feel like they don’t belong in the coding community. Recognize that imposter syndrome is common, and your progress is valid.
  7. Comparing Yourself to Others: Comparing your progress to others can be discouraging. Focus on your own learning journey and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.
  8. Burnout: Learning to code can be mentally taxing. Avoid burnout by taking breaks, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and seeking support from coding communities or mentors.
  9. Inadequate Problem-Solving Skills: Coding often involves solving complex problems. Improve your problem-solving skills by tackling coding challenges, puzzles, and algorithm exercises.
  10. Not Asking for Help: Don’t hesitate to seek help when you’re stuck. Online coding communities, forums, and mentorship programs can provide valuable guidance.
  11. Lack of Clear Goals: Setting clear and achievable goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your learning journey. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
  12. Ignoring Fundamentals: Skipping over foundational concepts can lead to difficulties later on. Make sure you have a solid understanding of fundamental programming concepts before moving on to more advanced topics.
  13. Complexity of Coding: Programming involves solving complex problems, and the syntax and logic of coding languages can be challenging to grasp initially. It’s normal to struggle with understanding and writing code.
  14. Overwhelming Amount of Information: The field of programming is vast, with numerous languages, frameworks, and tools. Beginners can feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.
  15. Imposter Syndrome: Many newcomers to programming experience imposter syndrome, a feeling of not being “good enough” or fearing that they’ll be exposed as frauds. This can lead to self-doubt and frustration.
  16. Lack of Guidance: Learning programming on your own can be challenging. Without guidance or structured learning resources, it’s easy to get lost or discouraged.
  17. Fear of Failure: Some learners fear making mistakes or encountering errors. This fear can prevent them from experimenting and learning from their failures.
  18. Ineffective Learning Strategies: Using ineffective learning strategies, such as memorization without understanding, can hinder progress. Learning how to learn effectively is an important skill.
  19. Lack of Practice: Coding is a skill that improves with practice. Without consistent practice, it’s challenging to build proficiency.
  20. Limited Problem-Solving Skills: Programming often involves problem-solving and critical thinking. If you haven’t developed these skills, you may struggle with coding challenges.
  21. Unrealistic Expectations: Setting overly ambitious goals or expecting to become proficient quickly can lead to frustration. Learning to code is a gradual process.
  22. Lack of Motivation: Losing motivation can be a barrier to progress. Staying engaged and passionate about coding can be a challenge, especially during difficult periods.
  23. Not Asking for Help: Reluctance to ask for help when facing challenges can prolong the learning process. Coding communities and mentors can provide valuable assistance.
  24. Comparing to Others: Comparing your progress to others can be demotivating. Everyone learns at their own pace, and it’s essential to focus on your own journey.

Remember that learning to code is a journey that requires time and effort. It’s normal to face challenges along the way. The key to success is persistence, a growth mindset, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. Seek support from the coding community, break down problems into manageable parts, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. Over time, with consistent effort, you can overcome challenges and make significant progress in your coding skills.

To overcome these challenges and avoid feeling like a failure:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your learning goals into smaller, achievable milestones. Celebrate your successes along the way.
  • Embrace Failure: View mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Debugging and problem-solving are essential skills for programmers.
  • Seek Guidance: Consider enrolling in coding courses, joining coding bootcamps, or seeking mentorship. Structured learning and guidance can be immensely helpful.
  • Practice Regularly: Dedicate consistent time to coding practice. Building a routine helps reinforce your skills.
  • Learn How to Learn: Invest time in improving your learning strategies. Understand the concepts and principles behind the code you write.
  • Stay Curious: Maintain a sense of curiosity and wonder about programming. Explore new technologies and projects that pique your interest.

Remember that every successful programmer has faced challenges and made mistakes along the way. It’s all part of the journey, and those experiences contribute to your growth and expertise as a programmer. Be patient, persistent, and open to learning, and you’ll gradually overcome obstacles and achieve your programming goals.

How to show your expertise online to be hired?

Sometimes it comes to mind that I am a programmer. How to spread my expertise online situation so that different good companies will want to hire me seeing my expertise.

Building an online presence to showcase your expertise as a programmer is a great way to attract job opportunities from top companies.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to spread your expertise online effectively:

  1. Create an Online Portfolio:
    • Personal Website: Build a personal website that serves as your online portfolio. Include information about your skills, projects, work experience, and contact details. Consider using website builders like WordPress, Wix, or GitHub Pages.
    • Project Showcase: Showcase your best projects on your website. Provide descriptions, technologies used, and outcomes. Include code repositories and links to live demos where applicable.
    • Blog: Consider adding a blog section to share your insights, tutorials, and experiences related to programming. Regularly updating your blog can help establish authority in your niche.
  2. Leverage Social Media:
    • LinkedIn: Create or update your LinkedIn profile to highlight your skills, work experience, and accomplishments. Connect with professionals in your industry and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions.
    • Twitter: Share your thoughts, insights, and interesting programming-related content on Twitter. Engage with the tech community by following and interacting with other professionals and companies.
    • GitHub: Use GitHub to host your code repositories. Regularly contribute to open-source projects and maintain a well-documented profile. Companies often look at your GitHub activity to gauge your coding skills.
    •, Medium, or Blogging Platforms: Write articles and tutorials on platforms like, Medium, or your blog. Share your knowledge and expertise with a wider audience.
  3. Online Learning and Certification:
    • Continue learning and improving your skills by taking online courses, attending webinars, and earning certifications in relevant programming languages and technologies. Share your certificates on your LinkedIn profile.
  4. Participate in Online Communities:
    • Join online programming communities like Stack Overflow, Reddit’s programming subreddits, and specialized forums. Answer questions, provide solutions, and share your knowledge.
    • Contribute to open-source projects. Not only does this help the community, but it also showcases your skills and collaboration abilities.
  5. Networking:
    • Attend virtual conferences, webinars, and meetups related to your field. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and connect with professionals.
    • Build and nurture relationships with colleagues, mentors, and other professionals in your industry. They may provide referrals or job recommendations.
  6. Create an Online Presence:
    • Consider creating video content on platforms like YouTube or Twitch if you’re comfortable with it. Share programming tutorials, code walkthroughs, or tech reviews.
    • Engage in podcasting if you enjoy discussing tech topics verbally.
  7. Optimize Your Online Presence:
    • Use SEO techniques to make your content discoverable. Optimize your LinkedIn profile, blog posts, and website for relevant keywords.
    • Keep your profiles and content up to date with your latest skills and achievements.
  8. Showcase Soft Skills:
    • Highlight not only your technical skills but also your soft skills like teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Companies value well-rounded professionals.
  9. Be Consistent and Authentic:
    • Consistency is key. Regularly update your profiles, share content, and engage with your audience.
    • Be authentic in your interactions and content. Authenticity builds trust and credibility.
  10. Respond to Job Postings:
    • When you see job postings from companies you’re interested in, apply with a tailored resume and cover letter that emphasize your relevant skills and experiences.
  1. Contribute to Open Source:
    • Actively contribute to open-source projects in your domain of expertise. This not only demonstrates your skills but also allows you to collaborate with talented developers from around the world.
    • Mention your open-source contributions on your portfolio, GitHub profile, and LinkedIn to showcase your commitment to the community.
  2. Online Coding Challenges and Hackathons:
    • Participate in coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode, Codeforces, or HackerRank. These platforms often host coding contests that allow you to demonstrate your problem-solving skills.
    • Join hackathons and coding competitions. Winning or performing well in these events can significantly boost your visibility and reputation.
  3. Collaborate on GitHub and GitLab:
    • Actively collaborate with other developers on GitHub and GitLab. This can involve contributing to existing projects, collaborating on new ones, or even starting your own open-source projects.
    • Ensure your GitHub or GitLab profile is well-organized, with clear descriptions and README files for your repositories.
  4. Online Courses and Webinars:
    • Offer your expertise by creating online courses or hosting webinars on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or YouTube. Teaching others is a great way to solidify your own knowledge.
    • Share links to your courses and webinars on your online profiles.
  5. GitHub READMEs and Documentation:
    • Pay attention to the documentation of your GitHub projects. Well-documented projects are more likely to attract collaborators and users.
    • Use README files to provide clear instructions on how to use your projects and encourage contributions.
  6. Social Coding Platforms:
    • Explore platforms like Gitpod,, or Glitch, which enable collaborative coding and coding in the browser. These platforms often have vibrant communities where you can showcase your skills.
  7. LinkedIn Recommendations:
    • Request recommendations from colleagues, mentors, or supervisors on LinkedIn. These testimonials can add credibility to your profile and highlight your skills and work ethic.
  8. Online Code Review Platforms:
    • Participate in code review platforms like Codementor or CodeMentorX. Offering code reviews can help you gain visibility and establish your expertise.
  9. Participate in Online Challenges and Contests:
    • Compete in programming and development contests organized by tech companies. These contests often serve as recruitment channels, and doing well can lead to job offers.
  10. Stay Informed and Share Insights:
    • Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in your field by following tech blogs, news, and podcasts.
    • Share your insights and thoughts on emerging technologies or industry trends through blog posts or social media updates.
  11. Networking Events:
    • Attend virtual networking events, such as tech conferences, webinars, and meetups. Connect with professionals from top companies during these events.
  12. Online Job Platforms:
    • Maintain profiles on job platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Stack Overflow Jobs. Make sure your profiles highlight your skills, experience, and accomplishments.
  13. Online Interviews and Podcasts:
    • If you’re comfortable with it, participate in online interviews and podcasts that focus on programming and tech-related topics. Sharing your experiences and insights can boost your online presence.

Over time, as you build a strong online presence and showcase your expertise, you’ll become more attractive to top companies seeking skilled programmers. Remember that building your online presence is an ongoing process, and patience and persistence are essential.

Remember that building a strong online presence takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and continually seek ways to showcase your expertise and engage with the tech community. As your online presence grows, you’ll become more attractive to top companies seeking skilled programmers.

How to Contribute to Open Source as a Python Programmer

What is open source contribution?

Open-source contribution refers to the act of participating in the development and improvement of open-source software projects. Open-source software is software whose source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute it. Open source contributions can take various forms, and they typically involve working collaboratively with a community of developers to enhance and maintain software. Here are some common ways to contribute to open source:

  1. Code Contributions: Writing, modifying, or improving the code of an open-source project. This can involve fixing bugs, adding new features, optimizing performance, or refactoring code for better maintainability.
  2. Documentation: Improving project documentation, including user guides, installation instructions, API documentation, and tutorials. Well-documented projects are more accessible and user-friendly.
  3. Bug Reports: Identifying and reporting bugs or issues in the project’s issue tracker. This helps maintainers and developers identify and address problems in the software.
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Testing the software, writing test cases, and running tests to ensure the software functions correctly and remains stable. This helps maintain the quality of the software.
  5. User Support: Providing assistance to users by answering questions, troubleshooting issues, and offering guidance in community forums, mailing lists, or chat rooms.
  6. Translation and Localization: Translating the user interface, documentation, or error messages of the software into different languages to make it accessible to a wider audience.
  7. Design and User Experience (UX): Contributing to the design and user experience of the software by creating user interface designs, wireframes, or mockups.
  8. Community Involvement: Engaging with the project’s community by participating in discussions, offering feedback, and helping newcomers get started with the project.
  9. Security Audits: Conducting security audits and identifying potential vulnerabilities in the software to enhance its security.
  10. Project Promotion: Promoting the project by writing blog posts, giving talks, or sharing information about it on social media to increase its visibility and attract more contributors and users.

Open source contributions are typically done voluntarily and driven by a desire to improve software, share knowledge, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Many open-source projects welcome contributions from developers of all skill levels, from beginners to experts. Contributing to open source can be a valuable learning experience, a way to give back to the community, and an opportunity to work on meaningful projects that have a broad impact.

Contributing to open source as a Python programmer is a great way to give back to the community, improve your coding skills, and collaborate with other developers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started:
  1. Choose a Project: Start by selecting an open-source project that aligns with your interests and skill level. You can browse platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket to find Python projects that need contributions. Look for projects with active maintainers and a welcoming community.
  2. Set Up Your Development Environment:
    • Install Python: Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version from the official Python website.
    • Version Control: Install Git if you haven’t already. Most open-source projects use Git for version control.
    • Development Tools: Depending on the project, you may need additional development tools, libraries, or virtual environments. Follow the project’s documentation for setup instructions.
  3. Familiarize Yourself with the Project:
    • Read the Documentation: Study the project’s documentation to understand its purpose, architecture, coding guidelines, and contribution guidelines.
    • Explore the Codebase: Take time to browse the codebase, review issues, and understand the project’s structure.
  4. Select a Contribution Type:
    • Bug Fixes: Start with small bug fixes or documentation updates. These are often good entry points for newcomers.
    • Feature Contributions: As you gain experience, you can work on adding new features or enhancing existing ones.
    • Documentation: Improving documentation is a valuable contribution, especially for smaller projects.
  5. Join the Community:
    • Join the Project’s Communication Channels: Most projects have mailing lists, forums, or chat rooms where you can ask questions, seek help, and discuss ideas.
    • Be Respectful: Follow the project’s code of conduct and be respectful when interacting with other contributors and maintainers.
  6. Contribute Code:
    • Fork the Repository: Fork the project’s repository to create your copy on GitHub.
    • Clone the Fork: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git.
    • Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your contribution. Use a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of your changes.
    • Make Changes: Write code or documentation changes according to the project’s guidelines.
    • Test Your Changes: Ensure your changes work as intended and don’t introduce new issues.
    • Commit Your Changes: Commit your changes with clear and concise commit messages.
    • Push to Your Fork: Push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub.
    • Create a Pull Request: Go to the original project’s repository on GitHub and create a pull request (PR) from your branch to the main project. Describe your changes and why they are valuable.
  7. Iterate and Collaborate: Be prepared for feedback from maintainers and other contributors. Be open to making improvements based on their suggestions. Collaboration is a key part of open source.
  8. Maintain Your Contributions: After your PR is merged, make sure to maintain and support your contributions if needed. This may include addressing issues, updating code, or improving documentation.
  9. Explore More Projects: As you gain experience, consider contributing to multiple projects to diversify your skills and knowledge.
  10. Celebrate Your Contributions: Your contributions are valuable to the open-source community. Celebrate your achievements and continue learning and growing as a Python programmer.

Remember that open-source contributions are not just about code; documentation, testing, and community engagement are equally important. By contributing to open source, you not only improve your Python skills but also become part of a global community of developers working together to create valuable software.

How can you be rich by being a programmer?

Becoming rich as a programmer is certainly possible, but it typically requires a combination of factors, including skills, strategy, and some luck. Here are steps you can take to increase your chances of achieving financial success as a programmer:

  1. Master Programming Skills: Start by becoming an expert in one or more programming languages. Continuously improve your coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of software development practices.
  2. Specialize: Consider specializing in a particular area of programming, such as web development, mobile app development, data science, machine learning, or cybersecurity. Specialization can lead to higher-paying opportunities.
  3. Education and Training: Invest in your education and training. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field can open doors to higher-paying jobs, but it’s not always necessary. You can also learn through online courses, coding bootcamps, and self-study.
  4. Build a Strong Portfolio: Create a portfolio of projects that demonstrate your skills and expertise. Open-source contributions, personal projects, and freelance work can help build a compelling portfolio.
  5. Networking: Connect with other professionals in the industry. Attend conferences, meetups, and online forums to build a network of contacts that can lead to job opportunities or collaborations.
  6. Stay Current: The tech industry evolves rapidly. Stay up-to-date with the latest programming languages, frameworks, and industry trends to remain competitive.
  7. Work for Top Companies: Consider working for well-established tech companies or startups with the potential for rapid growth. These companies often offer competitive salaries and stock options.
  8. Freelancing and Consulting: Freelance or offer consulting services to diversify your income streams. Freelancers can often charge higher hourly rates than salaried employees.
  9. Entrepreneurship: Consider starting your own tech-related business or developing software products. Successful tech startups can lead to significant wealth if they solve a valuable problem and gain traction.
  10. Invest Wisely: As you earn more, be mindful of how you manage your finances. Invest wisely in stocks, real estate, or other opportunities to grow your wealth over time.
  11. Negotiate Salaries and Contracts: When changing jobs or taking on freelance projects, negotiate for competitive compensation packages. Don’t undervalue your skills and experience.
  12. Financial Discipline: Practice good financial habits, such as budgeting and saving. Avoid excessive debt and manage your expenses carefully.
  13. Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor who can provide guidance on career development, entrepreneurship, or financial planning.
  14. Patience and Persistence: Building wealth as a programmer often takes time. Be patient and persistent in your pursuit of opportunities and financial goals.
  15. Monitor Tax Efficiency: Be aware of tax strategies that can help you maximize your income and reduce tax liabilities.

It’s important to remember that becoming rich is not guaranteed, and financial success depends on various factors, including the demand for your skills, the economic environment, and personal choices. While programming can offer high earning potential, it’s essential to find a balance between financial goals and personal fulfillment in your career. Building wealth often requires discipline, continuous learning, and a long-term perspective.

Why meritorious person wants to become a programmer?

A meritorious person may choose to become a programmer for various reasons, just like anyone else. Meritocracy, which rewards individuals based on their abilities and achievements, doesn’t necessarily dictate a specific career path like programming. However, there are several reasons why a meritorious individual might be drawn to a career in programming:

  1. Intellectual Challenge: Programming can be intellectually stimulating and challenging. Meritorious individuals who enjoy solving complex problems and working with logic may find programming to be a rewarding pursuit.
  2. Creativity: Programming allows for creative expression, as programmers design and build software, applications, and systems from scratch. This creative aspect can be appealing to those with meritorious qualities.
  3. Problem Solving: Meritorious individuals often excel at problem-solving, a crucial skill in programming. They may enjoy the process of identifying issues, developing solutions, and optimizing code for efficiency.
  4. High Demand: Programming skills are in high demand in today’s digital world. Meritorious individuals may see this as an opportunity to contribute to society by addressing important technological challenges.
  5. Financial Rewards: A career in programming can be financially rewarding, and meritorious individuals may be motivated by the prospect of earning a good income, especially if they have the skills and qualifications to excel in this field.
  6. Flexibility and Remote Work: Programming offers flexibility in terms of work location and hours, which may be attractive to meritorious individuals who value work-life balance.
  7. Continuous Learning: The tech industry is ever-evolving, requiring individuals to continuously learn and adapt. Meritorious individuals who enjoy learning and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies may thrive in this field.
  8. Entrepreneurship Opportunities: Programming skills can be a valuable asset for starting tech-related businesses, and meritorious individuals may see entrepreneurship as a path to make a significant impact.
  9. Contribution to Society: Programming can be a means to contribute positively to society, whether by developing software for healthcare, education, environmental monitoring, or other socially impactful areas.

It’s important to note that the motivation for becoming a programmer can vary greatly among individuals, regardless of their level of merit. People choose careers for a multitude of reasons, and personal interests, passions, and values often play a significant role in career decisions.

Here’s more detailed information about why a meritorious person might choose to become a programmer:

  1. Problem-Solving Skills: Meritorious individuals often possess strong problem-solving abilities, which are highly relevant in programming. They enjoy the process of breaking down complex issues into smaller, manageable parts and developing elegant solutions through coding.
  2. Analytical Thinking: Programmers need to think analytically to understand requirements, identify patterns, and optimize code. Meritorious individuals tend to excel in analytical thinking, making programming a natural fit for them.
  3. Attention to Detail: Programming requires precision and attention to detail to avoid errors in code. Meritorious individuals are often meticulous and can excel in ensuring their code is error-free.
  4. Continuous Learning: A meritorious person may be more inclined to embrace continuous learning and self-improvement. In the rapidly evolving field of technology, staying up-to-date with new programming languages, frameworks, and best practices is crucial for success.
  5. Innovation: Highly meritorious individuals often possess a drive for innovation and creativity. They may be drawn to programming because it allows them to create new solutions, applications, or software that can have a significant impact on various industries.
  6. Meritocratic Nature of Tech: The technology industry often places a strong emphasis on meritocracy, where skills and accomplishments are highly valued. Meritorious individuals may see programming as a field where their abilities can be directly translated into career success.
  7. Global Opportunities: Programming is a skill that transcends geographical boundaries. Meritorious individuals may appreciate the global job opportunities and the ability to work remotely or relocate to tech hubs around the world.
  8. Entrepreneurial Ventures: Some meritorious individuals may aspire to start their own tech companies or startups. Programming skills are invaluable for creating and developing innovative products or services in the tech sector.
  9. Social Impact: Many meritorious individuals have a strong sense of social responsibility. Programming can provide a platform to work on projects that address societal issues, such as healthcare applications, environmental monitoring, or educational software.
  10. Financial Rewards: While not the sole motivation, the potential for a lucrative career can be appealing to meritorious individuals. High demand for skilled programmers often leads to competitive salaries and benefits.
  11. Job Security: In a world increasingly reliant on technology, there is a level of job security associated with programming careers. Meritorious individuals may see this as a stable and dependable career choice.
  12. Cross-Disciplinary Opportunities: Programming skills can be applied across various domains, from finance and healthcare to gaming and artificial intelligence. Meritorious individuals may find the versatility of programming attractive.

It’s important to note that while meritorious qualities can be advantageous in a programming career, anyone with dedication, a willingness to learn, and a passion for problem-solving can become a successful programmer. The decision to pursue programming ultimately depends on an individual’s interests, goals, and personal inclinations, regardless of their perceived merit.

Top tech skills to grow for the future-ready job

  1. AI
  2. AR
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. Data Analytics
  5. Smart Contracts

Let’s discuss the details of the above 5 jobs:

AI skills are becoming increasingly important for future-ready jobs as artificial intelligence continues to play a significant role in various industries. To prepare for a career in AI or to enhance your existing skills, consider the following steps:

  1. Fundamental Knowledge:
    • Start with a solid foundation in mathematics, especially linear algebra, calculus, and statistics.
    • Learn programming languages commonly used in AI, such as Python and R.
  2. Machine Learning and Deep Learning:
    • Gain expertise in machine learning techniques and algorithms.
    • Understand neural networks, deep learning, and popular deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  3. Data Handling and Preprocessing:
    • Learn how to collect, clean, and preprocess data for AI applications.
    • Explore data visualization techniques for data analysis.
  4. Feature Engineering:
    • Understand feature selection and extraction methods to improve model performance.
  5. Model Building:
    • Learn how to design, train, and evaluate machine learning models.
    • Experiment with different model architectures and hyperparameters.
  6. Natural Language Processing (NLP):
    • If relevant to your interests, dive into NLP, which involves working with text data, sentiment analysis, language generation, and chatbots.
  7. Computer Vision:
    • Explore computer vision techniques for image and video analysis, including object detection, image segmentation, and facial recognition.
  8. Reinforcement Learning:
    • Gain knowledge of reinforcement learning algorithms used in areas like autonomous systems and game AI.
  9. AI Ethics and Responsible AI:
    • Understand the ethical implications of AI and learn about responsible AI practices to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
  10. Big Data Technologies:
    • Familiarize yourself with big data tools and platforms such as Apache Hadoop and Spark for handling large datasets.
  11. Cloud Computing:
    • Learn how to leverage cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for AI model deployment and scalability.
  12. Collaboration and Communication:
    • Develop strong communication skills to explain AI concepts and findings to non-technical stakeholders.
  13. Continuous Learning:
    • AI is a rapidly evolving field, so stay updated by reading research papers, attending conferences, and enrolling in online courses.
  14. Practical Projects:
    • Apply your skills by working on real-world AI projects. Building a portfolio of projects can be invaluable when seeking AI-related jobs.
  15. Certifications:
    • Consider obtaining certifications in AI and machine learning from reputable organizations, which can boost your credibility.
  16. Networking:
    • Join AI communities, attend meetups, and network with professionals in the field to stay informed about job opportunities and industry trends.
  17. Internships and Job Experience:
    • Seek internships or entry-level positions in AI-related roles to gain practical experience and build your resume.
  18. Soft Skills:
    • Develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, as these skills are highly valuable in AI-related positions.

By developing a well-rounded skill set and staying updated with the latest AI advancements, you’ll be better prepared for future-ready jobs in this exciting and rapidly evolving field. Remember that adaptability and a willingness to learn are key attributes for a successful AI career.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a rapidly growing field with significant potential for future-ready jobs across various industries. To acquire AR skills for future job opportunities, consider the following steps:

  1. Understand the Basics:
    • Begin by learning the fundamentals of AR technology, including how it works and its applications.
  2. Programming Skills:
    • Gain proficiency in programming languages often used in AR development, such as C#, C++, Unity, or Unreal Engine.
  3. 3D Modeling and Design:
    • Learn how to create 3D models and assets, as AR often involves overlaying digital objects onto the real world.
  4. Computer Vision:
    • Understand computer vision concepts and techniques, which are essential for tracking and recognizing real-world objects in AR applications.
  5. AR Development Platforms:
    • Familiarize yourself with popular AR development platforms like ARKit (iOS), ARCore (Android), and AR Foundation (cross-platform).
  6. Unity or Unreal Engine:
    • Explore Unity or Unreal Engine, as they are widely used for creating interactive AR experiences.
  7. ARKit and ARCore:
    • If you’re interested in mobile AR, delve into ARKit for iOS and ARCore for Android to create AR apps for smartphones and tablets.
  8. Hardware Knowledge:
    • Understand the hardware components and devices used for AR, such as AR glasses, headsets, and smartphones.
  9. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design:
    • Develop skills in designing intuitive and user-friendly AR interfaces and experiences.
  10. Spatial Computing:
    • Learn about spatial computing, which is central to creating AR applications that interact with the physical world.
  11. Simulations and Prototyping:
    • Practice creating AR prototypes and simulations to experiment with different AR concepts and ideas.
  12. AR Content Creation Tools:
    • Explore tools for creating AR content, including 3D modeling software like Blender and Maya.
  13. AI and Machine Learning:
    • If relevant to your field, acquire knowledge of AI and machine learning, as they can enhance AR applications through object recognition and tracking.
  14. Cloud Services:
    • Familiarize yourself with cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, which can support AR applications with backend functionality.
  15. Collaboration and Communication:
    • Develop strong communication skills to explain AR concepts and designs to non-technical stakeholders.
  16. Industry-Specific Knowledge:
    • Depending on your career goals, specialize in an industry that leverages AR, such as healthcare, education, gaming, or automotive.
  17. Portfolio Building:
    • Create a portfolio of AR projects that showcase your skills and demonstrate your ability to develop compelling AR experiences.
  18. Networking:
    • Join AR communities, attend AR-related events, and network with professionals in the field to stay updated and discover job opportunities.
  19. Certifications:
    • Consider obtaining relevant AR certifications or taking online courses from reputable organizations to enhance your qualifications.
  20. Stay Informed and Innovate:
    • AR is a dynamic field with continuous advancements. Stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and innovations to remain competitive in the job market.

AR skills are in demand across various sectors, including entertainment, education, healthcare, and industrial applications. By building a strong foundation and staying current with AR developments, you can position yourself for future-ready job opportunities in this exciting field.

Cloud computing skills are highly relevant and in demand for future-ready jobs, as organizations across various industries continue to adopt cloud technologies for their operations. Here’s how to develop and leverage cloud computing skills for future job opportunities:

  1. Understanding Cloud Fundamentals:
    • Begin by gaining a solid understanding of cloud computing concepts, including the different service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and deployment models (public, private, hybrid).
  2. Cloud Service Providers:
    • Familiarize yourself with major cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and others. Each provider has its own ecosystem and offerings.
  3. Hands-on Experience:
    • Practice setting up cloud environments, provisioning resources, and managing cloud infrastructure using the cloud provider’s console or command-line interface.
  4. Virtualization and Containers:
    • Learn about virtualization technologies (e.g., VMware) and containerization platforms (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) commonly used in cloud environments.
  5. Security and Compliance:
    • Understand cloud security best practices, encryption, identity and access management, and compliance requirements specific to your industry.
  6. Networking:
    • Develop knowledge of cloud networking, including virtual networks, subnets, load balancers, and content delivery networks (CDNs).
  7. Serverless Computing:
    • Explore serverless computing platforms like AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, which allow you to build and deploy applications without managing servers.
  8. Infrastructure as Code (IaC):
    • Learn IaC tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation to automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources.
  9. Data Management:
    • Gain expertise in cloud-based databases, data warehousing solutions, and big data technologies like AWS Redshift, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Google BigQuery.
  10. Cloud Development:
    • If you’re interested in application development, understand cloud-native development practices and tools, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Azure App Service, or Google App Engine.
  11. Cloud DevOps:
    • Explore DevOps practices tailored to the cloud, including continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), automated testing, and monitoring.
  12. Cost Management:
    • Learn how to optimize cloud costs by monitoring resource usage, leveraging reserved instances, and implementing cost control strategies.
  13. Migration and Hybrid Cloud:
    • Specialize in cloud migration strategies for moving on-premises workloads to the cloud and managing hybrid cloud environments.
  14. Certifications:
    • Consider earning certifications from cloud service providers, as they can validate your expertise and enhance your job prospects.
  15. Soft Skills:
    • Develop skills in communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and adaptability, as these are crucial in cloud-related roles.
  16. Industry Focus:
    • Depending on your career goals, specialize in an industry that relies heavily on cloud computing, such as fintech, healthcare, e-commerce, or gaming.
  17. Continuous Learning:
    • Stay updated with the latest cloud technologies and trends by attending webinars, conferences, and online courses.

Cloud computing skills are versatile and can open doors to a wide range of job opportunities, including cloud architects, cloud engineers, cloud administrators, and cloud developers. As organizations increasingly move their operations to the cloud, professionals with cloud expertise will be in high demand for future-ready jobs.

Data analytics skills are highly valuable for future-ready jobs, as businesses and organizations increasingly rely on data to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge. Here’s how you can develop and leverage data analytics skills for future job opportunities:

  1. Data Fundamentals:
    • Start by building a strong foundation in data fundamentals, including data types, data sources, and data structures.
  2. Data Analysis Tools:
    • Learn how to use popular data analytics tools and languages such as Python, R, SQL, and data visualization libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn.
  3. Statistical Analysis:
    • Gain proficiency in statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and other statistical techniques commonly used in data analytics.
  4. Data Wrangling:
    • Master data cleaning, transformation, and preparation techniques to ensure that data is accurate and suitable for analysis.
  5. Data Visualization:
    • Develop skills in creating compelling data visualizations using tools like Tableau, Power BI, or data visualization libraries in Python and R.
  6. Machine Learning:
    • Familiarize yourself with machine learning concepts and algorithms to analyze data, build predictive models, and automate decision-making processes.
  7. Big Data Technologies:
    • Learn about big data technologies like Hadoop, Spark, and distributed computing frameworks to work with large datasets efficiently.
  8. Database Management:
    • Acquire knowledge of database systems, both relational and NoSQL, to store and retrieve data effectively.
  9. Business Intelligence (BI):
    • Understand BI platforms and practices for creating dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights to business stakeholders.
  10. Data Ethics and Privacy:
    • Be aware of data ethics, privacy regulations, and best practices for handling sensitive data responsibly.
  11. Domain Expertise:
    • Specialize in a particular industry or domain (e.g., healthcare, finance, marketing) to develop domain-specific knowledge and analytics skills.
  12. Data Governance:
    • Learn about data governance principles and practices to ensure data quality, security, and compliance.
  13. Data Storytelling:
    • Hone your ability to communicate data findings effectively through storytelling, making data-driven insights accessible to non-technical stakeholders.
  14. Cloud-Based Analytics:
    • Familiarize yourself with cloud-based analytics platforms like Google Analytics, AWS QuickSight, or Azure Analytics services.
  15. Coding and Scripting:
    • Develop coding and scripting skills to automate data analysis tasks and build custom analytics solutions.
  16. Certifications:
    • Consider earning certifications in data analytics or related fields, such as data science or business intelligence, to demonstrate your expertise.
  17. Continuous Learning:
    • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in data analytics by reading books, attending webinars, and participating in online courses and communities.
  18. Problem-Solving Skills:
    • Cultivate problem-solving skills to tackle complex data challenges and provide actionable insights.

Data analytics skills are in high demand across various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology. As organizations continue to accumulate vast amounts of data, professionals who can extract meaningful insights from this data will be essential for making informed decisions and driving business success in the future.

Smart contracts skills are becoming increasingly valuable for future-ready jobs, especially in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries. Here’s how to develop and leverage smart contract skills for future job opportunities:

  1. Understanding Smart Contracts:
    • Start by gaining a solid understanding of what smart contracts are and how they work. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.
  2. Blockchain Technology:
    • Learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology, which underlies smart contracts. Understand the concepts of decentralization, distributed ledgers, and consensus mechanisms.
  3. Ethereum:
    • Ethereum is one of the most popular platforms for creating smart contracts. Learn how to develop smart contracts using Ethereum’s programming languages like Solidity.
  4. Programming Skills:
    • Develop strong programming skills, as most smart contract development involves writing code. Knowledge of languages like Solidity, Vyper, or Rust is crucial.
  5. Blockchain Platforms:
    • Familiarize yourself with other blockchain platforms that support smart contracts, such as Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, Polkadot, and more.
  6. Development Tools:
    • Explore development tools and environments tailored for smart contract development, such as Remix, Truffle, and Hardhat.
  7. Security Best Practices:
    • Understand security best practices for smart contracts to prevent vulnerabilities and exploits. Audit your code thoroughly or seek professional audits.
  8. Testing and Debugging:
    • Learn how to test and debug smart contracts effectively to ensure their functionality and security.
  9. Decentralized Applications (DApps):
    • Consider expanding your skills to include the development of decentralized applications (DApps) that interact with smart contracts.
  10. Token Standards:
    • If you’re interested in creating tokens on blockchain platforms, understand token standards like ERC-20, ERC-721, and others for Ethereum-based tokens.
  11. Blockchain Governance:
    • Gain knowledge of blockchain governance mechanisms, as they are essential for proposing and implementing changes to blockchain protocols and smart contracts.
  12. Use Cases:
    • Explore various use cases for smart contracts beyond cryptocurrency, such as supply chain management, voting systems, legal agreements, and more.
  13. Legal and Regulatory Understanding:
    • Stay informed about the legal and regulatory aspects of smart contracts, which may vary by jurisdiction.
  14. Networking:
    • Join blockchain and smart contract communities, attend conferences, and network with professionals in the field to stay updated and discover job opportunities.
  15. Certifications:
    • Consider obtaining certifications related to blockchain and smart contract development to validate your expertise.
  16. Problem-Solving Skills:
    • Cultivate problem-solving skills, as identifying and addressing issues in smart contract code can be challenging.
  17. Continuous Learning:
    • The blockchain and smart contract space is continually evolving. Keep up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations.

Smart contract skills are in demand across a range of industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more. As blockchain technology continues to gain traction, professionals who can develop secure and efficient smart contracts will be well-positioned for future job opportunities in this exciting and evolving field.

In sum, we can say

Certainly, the tech skills I mentioned—AI, AR, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, and Smart Contracts—are all crucial for future-ready jobs. Here’s a summary of the top tech skills to grow for future job opportunities:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):
    • AI skills encompass machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
    • Learn programming languages like Python and specialized AI libraries and frameworks.
    • Understand data preprocessing, feature engineering, and model deployment.
    • Gain knowledge of AI ethics, responsible AI practices, and AI deployment on the cloud.
  2. Augmented Reality (AR):
    • Develop proficiency in AR development platforms and tools.
    • Learn 3D modeling, computer vision, and spatial computing.
    • Understand the integration of AR with hardware like AR glasses or smartphones.
    • Explore AR in various industries, from gaming to education and healthcare.
  3. Cloud Computing:
    • Familiarize yourself with major cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
    • Learn cloud infrastructure setup, management, and optimization.
    • Understand serverless computing, containers, and infrastructure as code (IaC).
    • Explore cloud security, networking, and cost management.
  4. Data Analytics:
    • Master data analysis using programming languages like Python, R, and SQL.
    • Gain expertise in data visualization and storytelling.
    • Develop statistical and machine learning skills for predictive analytics.
    • Understand big data technologies and database management.
  5. Smart Contracts and Blockchain:
    • Learn blockchain fundamentals and how distributed ledger technology works.
    • Gain proficiency in smart contract development, particularly on platforms like Ethereum.
    • Understand blockchain security, governance, and token standards.
    • Explore real-world use cases beyond cryptocurrencies, such as supply chain or voting systems.

These skills are highly relevant across various industries, including tech, finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. However, it’s essential to note that future-ready jobs may also require a combination of these skills, as technology continues to evolve and become more interconnected. Additionally, soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptability, and effective communication are valuable complements to technical expertise for thriving in future roles. Continual learning and staying updated with emerging technologies will also be essential to remain competitive in the job market.

Why you should use coding best practices

As a coder, developing a coding style that’s mindful of these best practices will make it easier to extend and debug the code in the future. Even if you’re no longer working with that codebase, the legacy of your work will affect the community of developers who work with that code in the future.

Best Programming Practices for Beginner Programmers follow the current industry methods 

Code indentation

Meaningful naming

Comments that add context

Don’t repeat yourself

Low coupling and high cohesion

Consider your context

Wrapping up and next steps

Find A Stronger Editor

Write Human-Friendly Code

Planning Before Coding

Write Manageable Code

Stop Overdoing Features

Do Version Control

Always Learn Something New

Optimize your code for efficiency through arrays, loops, etc.

Test and debug your code as you build

Educate and expand your coding skill set