Category Archives: Python

10 amazing ways to make money as a python programmer 

Certainly! Python is a versatile programming language that can be used in various fields to make money. 

Here are 10 amazing ways you can make money as a Python programmer:

01. Job/ Remote job/ Freelancing 

Web development 

1.1 Data Analysis and Visualization: 

Analyze and visualize data for companies using Python libraries like pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. Businesses often need help in making sense of their data to drive informed decisions.

1.2 Machine Learning and AI: 

Develop machine learning models and AI applications using libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch. Offer predictive analytics, natural language processing, or image recognition solutions to clients.

1.3 E-commerce Solutions: 

Build custom e-commerce platforms using Python and frameworks like Django. You can help businesses set up online stores and manage their inventory, payments, and orders.

1.4 Automating Tasks: 

Help businesses streamline their processes by automating repetitive tasks using Python scripts. This can include data entry, report generation, or social media management.

Example automation applications:

Stock trading bot – Risky as hell but can be done

Web application template engine

Business report generator

Twitter or Instagram Bots

Sports match-up analyzers


1.5 Freelancing or Remote Job (Software Developer)

02. Sass product 

2.1 Create chatbot

2.2 Create a Marketing tool

2.3 Create a Management System 

2.4. building a website/app (monthly income generate and selling it 40 times price)

2.5 Plugins Development & Selling 

03. As an educator 

3.1 Python Educator Online

3.2 Create a blog

3.3 Create a youtube channel

3.4 Create eBooks

3.5 Starting a podcast 

3.6 selling a digital product (PDF)

3.7 selling an online course/ Online Pre-recorded Course

3.1 Python Educator Online




Pluralsite – requires an invite

04. Build a startup

4.1 Providing software service 

4.2 Web Development Services:

4.3 Create a Mobile App

4.4 E-commerce Solutions: 

4.1 Providing software service 

4.2 Web Development Services:

Create dynamic websites and web applications using Python frameworks like Django or Flask. Offer your services to businesses or individuals looking to establish an online presence.

4.3 Create a Mobile App

Develop desktop applications or mobile apps using Python frameworks like PyQt or Kivy. You can create tools, utilities, or even games for different platforms

4.4 E-commerce Solutions: 

Build custom e-commerce platforms using Python and frameworks like Django. You can help businesses set up online stores and manage their inventory, payments, and orders.

05. Consulting: 

Become a Python programming consultant, advising businesses on best practices, architecture, and solutions to their technical challenges.

06. Open Source Contributions: 

Contribute to open-source Python projects and gain recognition within the developer community. This can lead to paid opportunities, sponsorship, or consulting requests.

Remember that building a reputation and a network within your chosen field is essential for success. Be sure to continuously improve your skills, showcase your work through a portfolio, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in Python programming.

07.  Passive Income 

7.1 becoming an affiliate marketer (Amazon)

7.2 becoming an affiliate marketer (google adsense)

7.3 starting a business and automation (Domain & Hosting)

7.4 Book Writing (World Tour, Skilled Based, English)

08. Win coding contests

Backend Development using Python 

Backend development using Python involves creating the server-side logic and infrastructure that power web applications, APIs, and other services. Python offers a variety of tools, frameworks, and libraries to streamline backend development. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with backend development using Python:

Choose a Backend Framework:
Select a backend web framework to build your application. Some popular choices include:

Django: A high-level framework that follows the “batteries-included” philosophy, offering a complete solution for building robust web applications with features like authentication, database handling, and more.
Flask: A micro-framework that provides flexibility and simplicity, allowing you to choose and integrate the components you need for your application.

Setting Up the Development Environment:

Install Python and a code editor/IDE (Integrated Development Environment) of your choice. Consider using virtual environments to manage project-specific dependencies and isolate your project from the global Python environment.

Define Application Structure:

Plan the structure of your backend application, including organizing directories for templates, static files, models, views, and other components.

Create Models:

In Django, define your data models using Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. In Flask, you can use an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library like SQLAlchemy.

Implement Views and Controllers:

Define routes and views (in Django) or routes and controllers (in Flask) to handle requests from clients. These views/controllers process data, perform logic, and interact with models.

Implement Authentication and Authorization:

Secure your backend by implementing user authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to resources and endpoints.

Handle Forms and Input:

Implement form handling and data validation using libraries and tools provided by your chosen framework.

Connect to Databases:

Integrate your application with a database using the ORM provided by your chosen framework. Popular choices include PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB.


Write unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests to ensure the reliability and functionality of your backend code. Use testing frameworks like unittest (built-in), pytest, or nose2.

API Development (Optional):

If your application requires a RESTful API, design and implement API endpoints using tools and libraries like Django REST framework (for Django) or Flask-RESTful (for Flask).

Middleware and Extensions:

Utilize middleware and extensions provided by your framework to add functionality like caching, error handling, logging, and more.


Deploy your backend application to a web server or a cloud platform. Popular options include using services like AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean.

Monitoring and Scaling:

Monitor the performance of your backend application and scale resources as needed to handle increased traffic.

Remember that backend development involves both coding skills and an understanding of web architecture and best practices. Be prepared to work with databases, APIs, security measures, and various aspects of web development. It’s also important to keep your code well-structured, maintainable, and documented to ensure the success and longevity of your backend project.

Computer Graphics using Python

Computer graphics using Python involves creating visual content, images, and animations using programming. There are several libraries and frameworks available that make it possible to generate graphics and visualizations. 

Here are some key tools and concepts related to computer graphics using Python:


Matplotlib is a popular 2D plotting library that allows you to create a wide range of static, interactive, and animated visualizations, including line plots, bar charts, scatter plots, histograms, and more.


Seaborn is built on top of Matplotlib and provides a higher-level interface for creating attractive statistical visualizations, making it easier to visualize complex datasets.


Plotly is a versatile library that supports interactive visualizations and can create interactive plots, charts, and dashboards suitable for web applications.

Pillow (PIL Fork):

Pillow is a library for working with images in various formats. It can be used for basic image manipulation tasks, such as resizing, cropping, filtering, and more.


OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is widely used for computer vision tasks and image processing. It provides tools for real-time computer vision, object detection, face recognition, and more.

OpenGL with PyOpenGL:

PyOpenGL is a Python wrapper for the OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) API, allowing you to create 3D graphics and interactive applications. It’s useful for creating computer games, simulations, and visualizations.

Turtle Graphics:

The turtle module in Python is a great starting point for learning computer graphics concepts. It’s a simple way to create drawings and visual patterns by controlling a “turtle” that moves on the screen.

Computer Animation:

Libraries like Manim and Pygame can be used for creating animations and simulations. Manim is specifically designed for mathematical animations, while Pygame offers a broader range of game development capabilities.

3D Graphics with Blender and BlenderScript:

Blender is a powerful 3D graphics software, and you can use Python (BlenderScript) to automate tasks, create animations, and generate scenes programmatically.

Geospatial Visualization:

Libraries like GeoPandas and Folium are used for visualizing geospatial data, such as maps, spatial data analysis, and interactive web maps.

Generative Art:

Python can be used for generative art, where algorithms are used to create visual art dynamically. Libraries like and NodeBox can aid in this creative process.

Scientific Visualization:

Libraries like Mayavi and Vispy allow you to create 3D scientific visualizations for fields like physics, astronomy, and engineering.

When delving into computer graphics using Python, consider your specific goals and the type of visual content you want to create. Depending on your project, you might choose one or more of these libraries and approaches to achieve the desired results.

Networking Development using Python 

Networking development using Python is a powerful way to create applications that interact with networks, whether it’s for building web applications, working with APIs, implementing network protocols, or managing network infrastructure. 

Here are some key aspects of networking development using Python:

Socket Programming:

Python’s built-in socket library allows you to create networking applications at a lower level, enabling communication between devices over various protocols like TCP and UDP.

HTTP Requests and APIs:

Libraries like requests provide a simple and elegant way to make HTTP requests and interact with APIs. You can retrieve data from web servers, send POST requests, and handle responses.

Web Frameworks:

Python has powerful web frameworks like Flask and Django that enable you to build web applications, RESTful APIs, and other networked services with ease.

Web Scraping:

You can use libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy to extract data from websites and perform web scraping tasks, which is useful for data gathering and analysis.

Networking Libraries:

Python offers networking libraries like twisted that provide higher-level abstractions for building network servers, clients, and protocols.

Networking Protocols:

Python is well-suited for implementing custom network protocols. You can create servers and clients for protocols like FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and more.

Network Analysis and Packet Manipulation:

Libraries like scapy allow you to analyze, manipulate, and craft network packets, making them useful for network security, testing, and debugging.

Network Automation and Management:

Python can be used for automating network tasks such as configuring routers, switches, and other network devices using libraries like Netmiko or NAPALM.

Network Security and Penetration Testing:

Python is employed in network security tasks like penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. Libraries like Nmap and pynacl are used for various security-related tasks.

WebSocket and Real-Time Applications:

For real-time applications and interactive features, you can use Python libraries like websockets to implement WebSocket communication.

DNS Manipulation:

Libraries like dnspython allow you to interact with DNS servers, perform domain lookups, and manage DNS records programmatically.

Network Visualization:

Tools like NetworkX can be used to create, analyze, and visualize complex networks and graphs.

When working on networking development with Python, keep in mind the importance of error handling, security considerations, and best practices. Also, make sure to refer to relevant documentation and resources to effectively use the libraries and tools available for your specific networking tasks.

Mobile Development using Python

Mobile app development using Python is possible through various frameworks and tools that allow you to create cross-platform applications for both iOS and Android platforms. 

Here are a few options:


Kivy is an open-source Python library for developing multitouch applications. It’s particularly well-suited for creating touch-based mobile applications. Kivy supports various input methods, and its code can be used to target different platforms.


BeeWare is a collection of tools for developing Python applications that run on different platforms, including mobile devices. Toga is a part of BeeWare that allows you to create native applications for iOS, Android, and desktop platforms using the same codebase.

PyQt and PySide:

PyQt and PySide are Python bindings for the Qt application framework. While primarily used for desktop applications, these libraries can also be utilized to develop mobile applications. Note that using these libraries for mobile development might require some additional effort.


KivyMD is a Python library that builds upon Kivy to provide Material Design components for your mobile applications. It’s suitable for creating visually appealing and functional cross-platform mobile apps.

SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android):

SL4A allows you to use various scripting languages, including Python, to interact with Android’s API. While not a traditional mobile development framework, it’s useful for creating scripts that can control Android devices.


PyJNIus is a Python library that allows you to access Java classes and methods from Python. It can be used to build Android applications using Python while leveraging Java APIs.


Chaquopy is a plugin that allows you to include Python code in your Android applications. This can be useful when you want to combine Python with Java/Kotlin code in an Android project.

It’s important to note that while these frameworks and tools enable you to use Python for mobile app development, they may have limitations compared to native development in terms of performance and access to platform-specific features. However, they can be a great choice for cross-platform development or when you want to leverage your existing Python skills for mobile development.

Before choosing a framework, evaluate your project’s requirements, target platforms, and the level of access to native features you need. Additionally, keep an eye on the maintenance and community support of the chosen framework to ensure its longevity.

Software Testing using Python

Software testing is a critical process in software development to ensure that the software functions as intended and meets quality standards. Python can be used for various aspects of software testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and automation testing.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to software testing using Python:

Understand Software Testing:

Familiarize yourself with the concepts of software testing, types of testing (unit, integration, functional, etc.), and the importance of testing in the development lifecycle.

Choose a Testing Framework:

Python has several testing frameworks that facilitate different types of testing:

unittest: Python’s built-in testing framework, inspired by Java’s JUnit.
pytest: A popular, feature-rich testing framework that simplifies testing code.
nose2: A successor to the ‘nose’ testing framework, used for test discovery and execution.

Setup Your Environment:

Install the chosen testing framework using pip.

Set up a project structure that includes directories for tests, source code, and any additional assets.

Writing Unit Tests:

Unit tests focus on individual components or functions of your software:

Write test cases to cover various scenarios, including edge cases and normal behavior.

Use assertions to check that your code produces the expected output.

Integration Testing:

Integration tests ensure that different components of your software work together:

Test the interactions between components, modules, or services.

Simulate real-world scenarios to identify issues related to data flow and communication.

Automation Testing:

Automate the execution of tests to save time and ensure consistency:

Use testing frameworks to automate the execution of test cases.

Integrate tests into your development workflow, running them automatically upon code changes.

Test Fixtures and Setup:

Use fixtures and setup functions to prepare the environment for testing:

Setup functions run before and after each test case to create a clean state.

Fixtures provide reusable resources or data for tests.

Running Tests:

Use the testing framework’s command-line tools to run tests.

Leverage test discovery to automatically locate and execute test cases.

Generating Test Reports:

Many testing frameworks generate test reports for better visualization:

Understand the test reports and use them to identify failing tests and track progress.

Continuous Integration (CI):

Integrate testing into your CI/CD pipeline for automatic testing during code integration:

Use CI services like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI to automate test execution.

Code Coverage Analysis:

Measure code coverage to identify areas of your code that are not covered by tests:

Tools like coverage help you determine how much of your codebase is exercised by your tests.

Fixing and Maintaining Tests:

Regularly review and update tests to keep up with code changes and maintain test reliability.

Best Practices:

Follow best practices for writing effective tests:

Write tests before writing code (Test-Driven Development, TDD).

Keep tests independent, isolated, and atomic.

Use descriptive test case names.

Test both expected behavior and edge cases.

Community and Resources:

Participate in testing communities, read relevant articles, and explore tutorials to enhance your testing skills.

Remember, software testing is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation. Properly tested software is more reliable and has fewer issues when deployed to production.

Desktop Applications using Python 

Python can be used to create desktop applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using various libraries and frameworks. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating desktop applications using Python:

Choose a GUI Framework:
Decide on the GUI framework you want to use. Some popular options include:
Tkinter: Python’s built-in GUI library, simple and lightweight.
PyQt: A widely-used library that provides a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework.
wxPython: A library that wraps the native GUI libraries of each platform (Windows, macOS, Linux).
Kivy: A cross-platform Python framework for developing multi-touch applications.

Install the Framework:

Install the chosen GUI framework using pip or follow the installation instructions provided by the framework’s documentation.

Design the GUI:

Design the graphical user interface of your application using the provided tools or by writing code. Create windows, buttons, labels, text fields, and other interface components.

Event Handling:

Define how your application should respond to user interactions (button clicks, menu selections, etc.). Attach event handlers to GUI components.

Layout Management:

Use layout managers provided by the framework to arrange components on the window. This ensures your interface adapts well to different screen sizes and orientations.

Adding Functionality:

Implement the functionality of your application. This could involve reading/writing files, data processing, connecting to APIs, or any other desired feature.

Testing and Debugging:

Test your application thoroughly to identify and fix bugs. Use debugging tools provided by your IDE or framework.


Package your application into an executable or installer that users can easily install and run on their systems. Depending on the framework, there are tools that can help with this process.


Distribute your application to users. Consider the target platform (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ensure your application works seamlessly on each.

User Documentation:

Create user documentation to guide users on how to install and use your application.

Continuous Improvement:

Collect user feedback and make improvements to your application based on their suggestions or identified issues.

Advanced Features (Optional):

Depending on your application’s complexity, consider adding features like internationalization, theming, data persistence, or integration with external services.

Community and Resources:

Join relevant online communities, forums, and tutorials related to your chosen GUI framework to learn from others and solve challenges.

Remember that creating desktop applications involves both coding and design aspects. Start with simple projects to become familiar with the chosen framework, and gradually work your way up to more complex applications.

IoT and Embedded Systems using Python 

Using Python for IoT (Internet of Things) and embedded systems development offers a convenient and versatile approach to building connected devices. Python’s simplicity and wide range of libraries make it suitable for rapid prototyping and development in this domain.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with IoT and embedded systems using Python:

Understanding IoT and Embedded Systems:

Familiarize yourself with the concepts of IoT and embedded systems, which involve connecting physical devices to the internet and enabling them to communicate and perform tasks.

Choose Hardware:

Decide on the hardware platform you’ll use for your IoT project. Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266, and ESP32 are popular choices.

Setup Development Environment:

Install Python on your chosen hardware platform.

Set up any necessary IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) or editors for coding.

Basic GPIO Control:

Learn how to control General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins on your hardware. This involves turning LEDs on and off, reading sensor data, and interfacing with simple components.

Python Libraries for IoT:

RPi.GPIO: If you’re using Raspberry Pi, this library allows you to control GPIO pins.

Adafruit CircuitPython: A platform-specific library for Adafruit hardware components.

MicroPython: A Python implementation optimized for microcontrollers, including those used in embedded systems.

Sensors and Actuators:

Explore various sensors (temperature, humidity, motion, etc.) and actuators (servos, motors, etc.) that you can interface with your hardware platform.

Communication Protocols:

Understand communication protocols like MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP/HTTPS, which are commonly used for IoT communication.

Learn about serial communication for connecting devices to your host computer.

Network Configuration:

Set up networking on your hardware to connect to Wi-Fi or Ethernet networks. Learn about obtaining IP addresses, setting up access points, and managing connections.

Data Processing and Visualization:

Process sensor data using Python.

Use libraries like Matplotlib or Plotly to visualize data from your IoT device.

Cloud Integration:

Learn about cloud platforms like AWS IoT, Google Cloud IoT, or Microsoft Azure IoT.

Use Python libraries to integrate your IoT device with cloud services, enabling remote monitoring, data storage, and analysis.

Security and Authentication:

Implement security measures to protect your IoT device and its communication.

Learn about secure coding practices, encryption, and authentication mechanisms.

Edge Computing:

Explore edge computing concepts where data processing happens closer to the device rather than in the cloud.

Learn about running lightweight Python applications on your hardware.

Real-World IoT Project:

Build a small-scale IoT project that incorporates sensors, data transmission, and cloud integration. This could be a weather station, smart home device, or any other idea you’re interested in.

Testing and Debugging:

Test your IoT system thoroughly, considering various scenarios and edge cases. Debug issues related to hardware interactions, networking, and data processing.

Documentation and Deployment:

Document your code, connections, and setup procedures. If applicable, deploy your IoT device to its intended location.

Continuous Learning:

The field of IoT is evolving rapidly. Stay updated with new hardware, communication protocols, and security practices.

Remember that IoT and embedded systems development often involves a mix of hardware and software considerations. Python’s versatility will help you efficiently build prototypes and even complete solutions for various IoT applications.

Natural Language Processing using Python

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. Python offers powerful libraries and tools for NLP tasks. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with NLP using Python:

Basics of Python:

Make sure you’re familiar with Python’s syntax, data structures, and programming concepts. This foundation will be crucial for working with NLP libraries.

Text Preprocessing:

Before analyzing text, you need to preprocess it:

  • Tokenization: Split text into words or sentences.
  • Stopword Removal: Eliminate common words like “the,” “and,” “is,” etc.
  • Stemming and Lemmatization: Reduce words to their base or root form.

NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit):

  • NLTK is a comprehensive library for NLP tasks. Install it using pip.
  • Explore NLTK’s functionalities for text processing, tokenization, stemming, and more.
  • Use NLTK’s corpora and resources for text analysis.

Text Analysis:

Perform basic text analysis tasks like word frequency, n-grams, and part-of-speech tagging.

Identify named entities (people, organizations, locations) using NLTK’s named entity recognition.

Text Classification:

Learn about supervised learning algorithms for text classification.

Use libraries like Scikit-learn to implement classification tasks such as sentiment analysis, spam detection, etc.

Sentiment Analysis:

Analyze sentiment in text using pre-trained sentiment analysis models or train your own.

Topic Modeling:

Understand topic modeling algorithms like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).

Use libraries like Gensim to perform topic modeling on text data.

Word Embeddings:

Learn about word embeddings like Word2Vec and GloVe.

Use libraries like Gensim or spaCy to work with pre-trained word embeddings.


spaCy is another popular NLP library that’s known for its speed and efficiency.

Explore spaCy’s capabilities for tokenization, named entity recognition, and part-of-speech tagging.

Text Generation:

Understand techniques for text generation, including Markov chains and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

Experiment with generating text using libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch.

Advanced Topics:

Depending on your interests, explore more advanced NLP topics:

i) Neural Language Models: Explore models like Transformer and BERT for advanced language understanding.

ii) Machine Translation: Implement machine translation using models like Seq2Seq.

iii) Named Entity Recognition (NER): Learn how to extract structured information from text.

Real-World Projects:

Apply your NLP skills to real-world projects, such as building chatbots, analyzing social media data, or extracting insights from large text corpora.

Community and Learning:

Participate in NLP communities, read research papers, and take online courses to stay updated with the latest NLP advancements.

Remember that NLP is a vast field with a wide range of applications. The key to mastering NLP using Python is hands-on practice, experimentation, and continuous learning.

Rapid Prototyping using Python 

Rapid prototyping using Python involves quickly building functional prototypes of software applications, systems, or features. Python’s simplicity and rich ecosystem of libraries make it a great choice for rapidly iterating and testing ideas.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to rapid prototyping using Python:

Identify Your Goal:

Define the specific problem you want to solve or the concept you want to prototype. Clearly outline the functionality and features you plan to include.

Choose Libraries and Frameworks:

Identify the libraries, frameworks, and tools that will help you achieve your prototype’s objectives. Depending on your project’s nature, you might need web frameworks, data analysis libraries, GUI libraries, or others.

Setup Development Environment:

Install the necessary Python packages and set up your development environment. You can use virtual environments to isolate your project’s dependencies.

Break Down the Prototype:

Divide the prototype into smaller components or features that you can develop and test individually.

Develop Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

Focus on building the core functionality needed for the prototype to demonstrate its purpose. Avoid excessive details that can slow down the prototyping process.

Leverage Libraries:

Utilize existing Python libraries to speed up development. For example, if you’re building a web prototype, frameworks like Flask or Django can help create the web interface quickly.

Iterate Frequently:

Rapid prototyping involves quick iterations. Build a basic version, test it, gather feedback, and make improvements. Repeat this cycle multiple times.

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX):

Create a simple and functional UI/UX that allows users to interact with the prototype. This could involve using web frameworks for web-based interfaces or GUI libraries for desktop applications.

Data Integration (If Applicable):

If your prototype involves data manipulation or analysis, integrate relevant data sources using Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, or others.

Testing and Debugging:

Test each iteration thoroughly to identify and fix bugs. Use debugging tools and techniques to ensure the prototype works as intended.

Gather Feedback:

Share your prototype with potential users, stakeholders, or teammates. Gather their feedback and insights to improve the prototype’s functionality and user experience.

Refinement and Enhancement:

Based on the feedback, refine the prototype by adding features, improving UI/UX, and addressing any pain points.


Keep track of your development process, decisions, and any technical details. Documentation helps if you need to revisit or share the prototype later.

Presentation and Demonstration:

Showcase the prototype to stakeholders or potential users. Use demonstrations and presentations to communicate the value and functionality of the prototype.

Decide on Further Steps:

Based on the prototype’s success, decide whether to continue refining and expanding it or move on to a more complete implementation.

Rapid prototyping using Python is about finding a balance between speed and functionality. The goal is to quickly create a working version of your idea that can be tested and validated, enabling you to make informed decisions about the project’s future direction.