Python Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Learning Roadmap

Python – all you need to know from basic to advanced 

Here’s a learning roadmap for Python programming that spans basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. Remember that the progression might vary depending on your current skill level and how much time you can dedicate to learning. Feel free to adapt this roadmap to your own pace and goals.

1. Basic Level/ Beginner Level

Introduction to Python:
Learn about Python’s history, syntax, and its role in the programming world.

Setting Up Your Environment:
Install Python and a code editor (Python ide e.g., Visual Studio Code, PyCharm).
Learn how to run Python scripts.

Basic Syntax
Basic Syntax, Print, Input and Comments

Data Types:
Understand Python variables, Different Data Types and Constants (integers, floats, strings, booleans), and basic operations.
Learn about print statements and basic input/output.
Python swapping, Python type casting

All Kinds of Built Operators in Python & Its Usage

Control Flow/Structures:
Understand Control Structures, Different Types of Conditions & Loops
Explore if statements, loops (for and while), and the concept of indentation.
Practice using conditional statements and loops.

Learn how to define and call functions.
Understand parameters, arguments, and return values.

Lists and Dictionaries:
Explore data structures like lists and dictionaries.
Learn about indexing, slicing, and basic manipulation.

Python List Data Structure, Built in Methods & Its Operations

Python Dictionary, Accessing Dictionary and All Basic Operations

Tuple & Set
Understand The Necessity of Tuple & Set in Python

String Manipulation:
Understand string methods and formatting.
Learn about regular expressions for pattern matching.
String and Its Built Methods in Python

Error Handling:
Learn about exceptions and how to handle errors using try-except blocks.

2. Intermediate Level

We Know How to Write Code, I Want to Write Better Code

Python Function, Arguments, Anonymous Functions and Function Scopes, Zip function, Recursion 

Error Handling, Exceptions and Exception Handling in Python

Module Package & PIP
Understand Modules & Packages in Python 

Modules and Libraries:
Explore Python’s standard library and third-party libraries.
Learn how to install and use packages using tools like pip.

Object Oriented Programming, Class, Object and Inheritance in Python

Understand Iterator & Generator and Its Implementation in Python

Standard Library
Explore The Built-in Standard Library of Python

File Handling:
Understand reading from and writing to files.
Learn about different file formats (e.g., CSV, JSON).
File opening

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
Learn about classes, objects, methods, and attributes.
Understand encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Advanced-Data Structures:
Study tuples, sets, and more advanced data structures.
Learn about data manipulation libraries like NumPy and Pandas.

Exception Handling:
Dive deeper into exception-handling techniques and best practices.

Debugging and Testing:
Learn debugging techniques using tools like breakpoints and print statements.
Explore unit testing using frameworks like pytest.

Functional Programming:
Understand functional programming concepts like lambda functions and map/reduce/filter.

Input & Output
File Read Write Operation, Standard Input Output and Stream Buffer Operations

Python math, Pythpn regex, Search and replace, Meta characters, Python try-except, Methods, Constructors, Overwriting, Debugging, Lamda

3. Advanced Level

Actually, I Know Nothing, There is a Lot More to Explore

Concurrency and Multithreading:
Learn about threading, multiprocessing, and asynchronous programming using asyncio.
Decorators and Metaprogramming:
Explore advanced topics like decorators, context managers, and metaclasses.
Understand Concurrency, Parallelism, Multi-Threading & Multi-Processing in Python

Advanced OOP:
Study design patterns and more advanced OOP concepts.
Learn about SOLID principles and their application.

Performance Optimization:
Dive into profiling and optimizing code for better performance.
Learn about memory management and efficient algorithms.

Virtual Environment
Understand & Create a Virtual Environment and Install Third-Party Packages

Thread Based Parallelism
Understand Thread Objects, Lock, RLock, Condition, Semaphore, Event Objects.

Process Based Parallelism
Understand Process Class, Context, Start Methods & Process Synchronizations

Sub Process Management
Subprocess Module, Popen, Frequently Used Arguments and Exceptions

Launching Parallel Tasks
Executor Objects, Thread Pool, Process Pool & Future Objects

Asynchronous 1/0 High Level
Understand Coroutines, Tasks, Awaitables, Futures, Sleeping and Timeouts.

Asynchronous 1/0 Low Level
Understand Event Loop, Scheduling Callbacks & Creating Futures and Tasks

Web Development:
Learn about web frameworks like Django or Flask for building web applications.

Data Science and Machine Learning:
Explore libraries like scikit-learn and TensorFlow for data analysis and machine learning.

Advanced Libraries:
Dive deeper into libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Advanced Topics:
Explore advanced topics like metaprogramming, networking, and security.

What Next?

Now, We have Some Idea About Python. So, What Next?

Remember that consistent practice, working on projects, and seeking out real-world applications of what you’ve learned will greatly enhance your understanding and skills in Python.

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